Monday, July 19, 2010

You Dun Goofed Up
*Internet trolling is evil. Incredibly, hilariously evil damn it.

I only got hold of this story (from here) about an eleven year old girl who got totally 'beat up' by the netizens, which in turn caused her, and more importantly her father, to sort of freak out in the video that you can watch above. To know just how much that video has gone viral, just go to YouTube and type in: 'you dun goofed up' in the search bar.
To fully understand what has actually happened, this site has a very good summary of the whole event. But the part that I really like from that article is this particular line:
"Unfortunately for everyone involved, someone posted it to the Internet's scariest hive mind:'s notorious /b/ message board, and Tumblr."
Now, the part that I found to be really interesting from the quote is the mention of 4Chan's "notorious /b/ message board". To those who are unfamiliar with the wonderfully colorful world of /b/, or indeed 4Chan as a whole, here's an article on it from the ever trustworthy people of Wikipedia. The part that I really like about the whole article is where it said that according to, "reading /b/ will melt your brain". To have a taste of what /b/ is like, just click on the /b/. (Warning: NSFW)
But as always, there are two sides to the same story. While the article on Gawker pretty much reads like a cautionary tale on what to do and what to not do on the internet, this site however throws all caution into the wind.
So there you go - one moment of total brain meltdown on video and gather some haters in the process, allow the video to go viral on the internet, expose yourself to the unforgiving anons of 4Chan's /b/, and poof!: your life will be ruined; just like what little Jessi said in the video. Add in a raging father in the background, and the consequences will never be the same. Instant internet classic.

As a side note, here's what Wikipedia and Uncyclopedia has to say about Encyclopedia Dramatica. Of course Uncyclopedia is a bit more um, unrestrained. And awesome.

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