Wednesday, January 26, 2011

One Day Holiday - ...But I Will, So That's Cool

Before we proceed with something else, let's just get the first business of the day done with, first - we are currently in the midst of listening to Mogwai's latest long player entitled Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will which is slated for a Valentine's Day release. Perfect really because that day is also when Kuala Lumpur will play host to the Deftones concert. Our initial impression about the album is that it is sort of like a continuation of their last album, The Hawk is Howling, sort of straddling very safely somewhere within playing it safe and being (calculative-ly) ambitious; so now that you know what to expect off of it. We will be coming up with a full review of the album next month - guaranteed.

Next, as we have mentioned in the previous paragraph (in case you missed it), Deftones will be playing live in KL on this coming February 14, ticketing details which can be obtained here. We are definitely going, since this comes hot on the heel of the release of the band's most rewarding release since White Pony, Diamond Eyes. The only downside to that is the terms and conditions that have been set by the organizers, stating STRICTLY NO PHOTOGRAPHY. That's a real let down there since the organizers for the Mogwai concert had no qualms about us snapping pictures all throughout their one hour plus set. (Look photo above. That was taken using a Sony digital camera) Our report from that show will definitely be full of words. Only.

Finally, the new semester is already in full swing so this blog might not be updated as frequent as we hoped it could. Even though this semester I'm only having 12 hours of class, but note preparation has so far not been anywhere near from smooth sailing. Couple that with the fact that this semester we have to cover grammar, reading comprehension, paragraph and essay writing, speaking and listening skills, all in a four hours a week class for 14 weeks - it's not terribly comfortable. There is hardly any breathing space I have to concur. (But thankfully there is still some space for me to do some listening) In the meantime, enjoy this leading single off Mogwai's seventh studio album called "Rano Pano".

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