Monday, March 28, 2011

LINKED: Hitler's Downfall Was Caused by "Friday"

Somehow, I just couldn't stop laughing watching this video.

Anyway, new entry for this blog has been coming in very slowly as of late, and that I probably have to blame it on work - this is by the way the most hectic time for me because we're nearing the end of the semester and one test, one video assignment, and one final exam is coming right around the corner. In fact I haven't been able to listen to any new song as of late, so there you go. (Well I did 'listened' to Rebecca Black's "Friday" but surely that doesn't count) In the meantime, enjoy this laugh-a-tastic video of Hitler having a meltdown about Miss Black having a dilemma of which seat to choose. Seriously, please do not even be bothered to find her video here because thanks to her nasally voice made worse with digital enhancement, and the inanity of the lyrics... I can't even compose a coherent sentence here now. My brain has suffered a lot.

Fun. Fun. Fun. Fun. Gaaah! Stop it! Stop it!

*Thanks to Art of Trolling for the image above, and thanks to Buzz Feed for letting me know of the video.



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