Friday, February 11, 2011

LINKED: Mogwai Discuss 'Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will'

Well obviously the Glaswegians are not talking with us but with Spinner on the subject of their to-be-released new album 'Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will'. We figure it's a nice teaser before we reveal our review of the album in its' full glory, soon - and see if we are happy, delighted, excited, or frustrated with it. In the meantime, head on over to the link provided above to read the full interview. Posted below is just a tiny excerpt...

Just weeks after sections of the press declare the death of rock, Mogwai return with 'Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will.' Fighting talk or a happy coincidence?

An unhappy coincidence! We've always been at the back of the queue. We've never been cool. We're the most uncool band ever. But in terms of longevity we're cool. We've never avoided anything like that but it's quite easy not be cool when you're not very cool people. We didn't make that choice. The album title isn't fighting talk. We never attach any meaning to our album titles or our song titles. Sometimes we have the titles before the songs are even recorded. With this album we were really running out of time and someone told us this story about some drunk teenagers who couldn't get served in a corner shop in Glasgow and the guy just threw them out of the shop and one of the kids started throwing stones at the window and shouted out the album title.

Video: Currently on heavy rotation on our MP3

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