Sunday, December 20, 2009

Very Grammatic - Milk My Heart Over, Harvey

*Very Grammatic is an unscheduled, published-whenever-I-feel-like-it column for Hafeez, a resident blogger for this blog. This column is centered mostly on Hafeez's other main interest: unusual, unique, arty, and weird music that sane people only listen to while high on drugs.

Today is an historic day because I can finally announce that this blog finally (and officially) has one reader. ONE exact reader. So, lucky new reader, if you're reading this: Hello!

Today I want to talk about the month December. I think I can safely say that, God knows why, the month December is a bad luck month for me. December 2007 will go down in my life's history as the most painful so far. December the following year was utterly, utterly hideous. And then this year's version December - my job is on the line. Well done December! Congratulations. You have brought lots of pain and suffering you insufferable oath. I don't know if it is the same with everyone else, which I think should explain why lots of people partied like Hell on New Year's Eve. To celebrate the demise of December perhaps?

Which then brings me to another topic: New Year's Eve. Last year's NYE, I spent it watching [REC], the horror movie from Spain made entirely out of shaky handheld camera in one continuous narration that quite literally shook the whole world. Actually the original plan was to have a barbecue with some friends out on an open field but you know, words speak louder than actions most of the time.

So what is it that I want to talk about actually? Movies. I've been talking about music all this while so let us all now shift our focus to something else. Since December is about to end (Thank you), it is only normal for a lot of people with nothing better to do to come up with a compilation list of the best movies of 2009. And which I am about to do so.

There are quite a lot of very good movies that I've watched this year, especially "The Damned United", which is a biography of one of the greatest English manager England never had - Brian Clough. But the highlight of this year's movies are the sick, revolting, disgusting shocking ones. "Salo", for one; and "Pink Flamingos". You need to have a stomach made out of reinforced solid steel and 20 inch kevlar to sit through it. Let alone the courage. Then there's "Milk" - a portrayal of California's controversial openly gay politician Harvey Milk by Sean Penn. Great actor; I really like him, very talented, but "Milk" was pushing the envelope a bit too far out. I cannot for the life of me understand why do they have to do a feature on a homosexual politician and spend a good half portion of the entire film shooting gay sex scene that borders on vomit and paranoia inducing madness. It was truly horrible, truly excruciating to watch that film without gagging.

Even more frustrating because Harvey Milk also happens to be the name of a 'quite probably rock' rock band that I actually like. They are, as you would have probably suspected, a band that plays music that started out sounding a bit like rock, but not the kind that you can quite put your finger on. They are quite savage, and uncivilized. They sound like a rock band from the Jurassic age, from the year 2300. I may have said that but again, they are not quite rock. It's like listening to two huge boulders grinding. It's not quite music but it's also not quite useless noise either. It's a very delicate straddle between sanity and hilarity. It's either you listen to it or you don't. It's like going out for a blind date, and found out that your date is a really attractive fine young lady that fits your personality well like a glove but has a heart of gold and only think of you as a friend. You want to take it a step further but it will never happen. It attracts you, it pushes all the right button, but it also frustrate you. You really want it like it meant the world but you will never own it. You will always end up being the loser.

But the one that didn't kill your spirit.



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