Monday, April 25, 2011

LINKED: Here's Something We're All Can Get Excited About...

Well, the folks at The Wknd has said it: "Gigs for the indie pop and indie rock crowd are getting scarcer by the day this year", and we're nodding assent. But this showcase right here, called Indie Goodness Volume 3, has a stellar line-up that's enough to fill the entire William & Kate's VVVIP wedding invitation list. And, with the legend of KL's underground scene, The Pilgrims (they are from those '(g)olden' days of Hishamuddin Rais' Dari Jemapoh ke Manchestee), making an appearance as well, we say the organizer have struck gold with this one.

The only laughably unbelievable part of the whole gig is that brave statement from the organizer saying the show will start at 1:45 pm sharp, which us Malaysians being Malaysians, the Malaysian Time rule must at all time applies. And then, there's the venue as well. Which...

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