Sunday, February 21, 2010

Very Grammatic - E.A.R. (Ear Accidentally Rosak)

*Very Grammatic is an unscheduled, published-whenever-I-feel-like-it column for Hafeez, a resident blogger for this blog. This column is centered mostly on Hafeez's other main interest: unusual, unique, arty, and weird music that sane people only listen to while high on drugs.

I will pick up the yet-to-be-concluded Gifts From the Aughts series later on whenever I feel like it, which incidentally, today is not the said day. In fact, today is not the day for either this column (Very Grammatic) or the other one (One Day Holiday). The only reason why I'm posting this under Very Grammatic is because The Off-Colored Officer column were not supposed to even exist in the first place. Like how I have demonstrated earlier on, my thoughts can really be, to sum it all up in a convenient term, a pile of incomprehensible rubbish. I can skip from one reality to the other very seamlessly, and very effortlessly, leaving other people who are firmly rooted to the reality, panting in exasperation, trying very hard at playing catch up. Which I suppose then explains why my students loved my class very much. Because it is very un-academic. Few of what I've said in class are precious gems of knowledge but they come by around very few, very far between and very rare. Like the kind of music that I listen to.

The same thing applies with everything else about me - I am unconventional, illogical, rare, difficult, and maybe perhaps a little conventional, logical, common and easy as well. I have frustrated a friend who have been trying so hard in hooking me up with lots of girls, but every time I turn down the initiation. Because I'm not interested. He said I'm too picky. No, choosy. I have been criticized over and over by many people at the office for my unwillingness to 'make a move' with the many single, attractive female lecturers who I imagine must be in a line, waiting for their Mr. Charming to take them away to La La Land on a white horse while angels on pillows of cloud from Heaven sings beautiful songs as both of them rode across a vast field of golden grass. Very romantic indeed a notion but I'm a bit German. This college I have to say is awashed with hundreds of buxom virgins - but I treat all of them as mere colleagues. Why? I have no idea.

Actually I wanted to talk about a band called E.A.R. (which by the way stands for Experimental Audio Research), and as you can see from the picture above, Kevin Shields in particular. Since I have drifted very badly off-topic here, let's just assume there will be a second part to this entry.



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